July 20, 2012

Catastrophe in use – supporting students at the Energy Engineering Summer School

This just in from Lawrence Coates at University of East Anglia. Thanks Lawrence for sharing news of Workshed in use. “As part of the first Energy Engineering Summer School at UEA 21 year 12 pupils from schools around the UK

February 20, 2012

Workshed – A model Online Educational Resource for Students

After a recent conversation with Oliver, he invited me to become an author of this blog and share the views and intentions of my current dissertation topic, “How online educational resources can benefit the qualitative understanding of structural behaviour.”  Upon substantial research

February 15, 2012

Workshed: Big in Canada

January’s update to the Workshed site gave us access to Google Analytics data for the first time. Two weeks’ data make for fascinating reading. The Pont de Quebec is the world’s longest single span cantilever bridge   In the two weeks since

November 21, 2011

Talking to the ICE about using Workshed in schools

This is evening I am giving a presentation at a meeting at the Institution of Civil Engineers about resources that engineering ambassadors can use when running activities at schools to inspire school children about engineering. We recognised about a year ago